I am a planetary scientist specializing in super-Earths, sub-Neptunes, and their interactions with their host stars. My research connects principles from the atmospheric, geologic, and astrophysical fields to provide a theoretical foundation for observable phenomena.

Super-Earths (R≲1.75R ): These planets typically possess high densities, indicative of compositions dominated by silicates and iron, without a significant hydrogen atmosphere. Available data is therefore often limited to mass and radius measurements. When modeling super-Earths, I take into account their formation processes and evolutionary paths, which provide valuable insights into their properties and potential habitability.

Sub-Neptunes (1.75R ≲R≲3.50R ): Sub-Neptunes are exoplanets with substantial primordial (i.e., hydrogen-rich) atmospheres and total masses usually around ~10M . Their hydrogen-rich atmospheres make spectroscopy more feasible. I develop self-consistent models that consider the interplay between the condensed section (i.e., the nucleus) and their surrounding atmosphere.

Star-planet interactions: Stars are most luminous in their high-energy bands in their first few hundred million years after formation. Newly formed planets with primordial atmospheres efficiently absorb X-ray and ultraviolet photons, triggering photoevaporation and the gradual loss of their hydrogen reservoirs. Indeed, atmospheric evaporation has the potential to modulate the physical and chemical properties of planets throughout their evolution, underscoring the need for careful modeling. I create these models to better understand these interactions, providing insights into the complex relationship between celestial bodies and their environments.